Kitchens are the heart of not just the restaurant industry but also many different forms of hospitality. The kitchen staff is in many ways the lifeblood of your business and it deserves to have the safety that slip and fall prevention measures will provide. But how exactly should you protect your kitchen staff from slips and falls? Amarco Products presents a closer look on kitchen safety and how slip-resistant flooring can spell safety for your back-of-house staff.

Importance of Kitchen Safety 

Kitchen safety rules have been a mainstay of the hospitality industry for ages, and at this point, they are a non-negotiable necessity. These rules have gone to great lengths to keep workers from injuring themselves or others by making each of them accountable for what they do in the kitchen, but it’s not all on them. Slips and falls are one of the many safety risks in the kitchen that every staff member faces when clocking in for a shift in a kitchen, it’s up to the business owners to respect the level of danger present and take measures to minimize the risk. And when it comes to kitchen floors, not just any commercial flooring will prevent injuries on the job.

Why Choose Slip-Resistant Flooring?

Slip-resistant flooring is a must for any business with kitchen staff, not only will it keep them safe, but it will also make your profit margin bigger by not having as many accidents on the job. By installing non-slip commercial kitchen flooring along with a kitchen protect-all sheet you’re making your business safer for your workers, and nothing screams loyalty to staff like genuine care for their well-being. Trust us, installing slip-resistant flooring in your kitchen is one of those kitchen safety tips you’re going to want to follow. And when dealing with something as important as worker safety, be sure to reach out to the best flooring company around, Amarco Products!

Contact Us

Amarco Products is an American mat and flooring company that not only specializes in slip-resistant flooring but in all types of commercial flooring. With over 40 years of experience, you can be sure your commercial flooring needs are going to be met when you team up with Amarco! Contact us now for additional information or call us at 866-688-6287 today!

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